Kazungula Water Supply and Basic Sanitation Project

Water Supply and Sanitation in Moldova Center

Hydraulic and sanitation Millennium programme

Rural Water Supply IV

Municipal Infrastructure Development Project (MIDP) Technical Audit

Water and sanitation sector development program (Kericho, Kisii, Nyamira and Litein) – Consulting services for accompanying measures

Improved water and wastewater services program II (IWSP II)

Improved water and wastewater services program (IWSP I), Phase 2

As the Implementation Consultant of the large investment Program IWSP 1, we are providing comprehensive project implementation and management services on behalf of the Project Management Unit (PMU).  The Investment Component aims at improving the physical water supply and wastewater infrastructure in four target Governorates.

The Technical Assistance Component supports the PMU of the Holding Company for Water and Wastewater in the overall technical and financial program management. The investment budget for the program is 272 mEUR covering about 60 singular measures (water supply and wastewater) from Phase 1 to be completed as well as about 70 singular projects (wastewater only) to be prepared and implemented under Phase 2.

For improvement of the water supply services 11 water treatment plants were constructed. The total water supply network implemented has a length of 250 km. In the  wastewater sector 10 WWTPs were rehabilitated/extended and two new WWTPs constructed. Rehabilitation/extension of the sewer network covers 676 km of network including 34 pumping stations.

Scaling Up Nutrition and WASH Infrastructure (SUNWIP)

Water & Sanitation Sector Development Program – Lake Victoria South (Kericho, Kisii, Nyamira and Litein)

Consulting Services for the implementation of PMRI II (Nazca)

Feasibility Study for water and wastewater Himara

Program Guadalquivir Water and Sewerage

Consulting Services for the implementation of PMRI II (Chincha)

Rural Water Supply III

Consulting Services for the implementation of PMRI II (Juliaca)

Vieux Fort Water Supply Redevelopment Project

Second Dushanbe Water Supply Project (DWSP2 / DWSP2af)

Water supply and sanitation for small towns in Bustillos

Improving the capacity of the Holding Company for Water and Waste Water (HCWW)

PTOP – Provincial towns open program

Consulting services to determine the feasibility of water supply and wastewater investments in 12 Rayons

Kampala Water – Lake Victoria WatSan Project – Package 1 and 3 Rehabilitation and Water Production Capacity Optimisation of Ggaba Water Treatment Complex & Transmission Improvement

Technical assistance for the feasibility study and designs for water investments in 6 towns

Rural Water Supply and Sanitation in the region Mayo Kebbi West

Consultancy Services for Water and Sanitation in Mtwara and Babati and for Sanitation in Kigoma, Lindi and Sumbawanga

Technical assistance in project preparation in the wastewater and drinking water sector

Calueque – Oshakati Water Pipeline Project Consulting Services for Pre-Feasibility Study

Moshi Rural District Water Supply

Water supply Loukkos

Feasibility Study for Water Infrastructure in Central Moldova

Water Management and Development Project (WMDP) Feasibility study, detailed design and tender documents for Mbale & Small towns Water Supply and Sanitation project

Consulting Services for the Hai District Water Supply Project, Phase I – IV

Improving and developing water supply and sanitation systems in rural communities

Water Supply and Sanitation Programme for Nzoia Cluster Phase I, II and III


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