Integrated Management
We follow an integrated management approach, monitoring our environmental, social, and governance performance systematically.
To safeguard our internal standards and external compliance, we maintain an Integrated Management System ensuring that we adhere with our internal and external obligations in the field of quality, compliance, environment, social standards as well as health and safety requirements.

We are fully aware of our accountability to the society, and we must act accordingly. As stated in our mission it is the duty of our company and all of us is to work for improved living conditions, every day. Thus, we monitor compliance with our Code of Conduct, declaring the company’s commitment towards environmental and social responsibility, legal compliance, quality, fairness and transparency, as well as the corporate ethics in all of our business activities. Our commitments to the highest quality and work safety, as well as to environmental protection, legal compliance and constant improvement guides us on our mission.
The trust that we receive from clients, project owners, donors, partners, employees and the public, depends directly on the conduct of everyone in the company.
Our integrated management system is ISO-certified in the following fields:
ISO 9001:2015

ISO 14001:2015

ISO 45001:2018
Occupational Health & Safety

Our integrated management system which is applied in all our projects and administrative duties ensures that the expectations of all involved groups are fully met, potential problems and conflicts are systematically identified in time, and respective mitigation measures are introduced and monitored when and where necessary. Through clearly distributed and identified responsibilities and standardized processes, project achievements in the required quality and within the anticipated timeframe can be ensured.
Our management system bases on the PDCA (Plan Do Check Act) Cycle. By applying this principle, a continuous improvement within the projects as well as within the organization boundaries is assured. As a part of the PDCA Cycle, lessons learned from various projects are circulated among our organization. Capitalizing from past projects and lessons learned through information dissemination encourages an exchange of valuable knowledge and the effective use of it.