Legal notice
CES Consulting Engineers Salzgitter GmbH
Nordstr. 23 / 38106 Braunschweig / Germany
T +49 531 31704-0 / F +49 531 31704-199
Local Court of Braunschweig, Register of Companies: HRB101260
Managing Directors
Dr.-Ing. Ralf Meyerhoff
Dr. Carl Philip Hügin
Dr.-Ing Timur Esemen
Authorized Officers
Dr. Martina Biczkowski
Matthias Fritz
Responsible for content according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV:
Dr. Carl Philip Hügin
CES is certified according to
ISO 9001:2015.
ISO 14001:2015.
ISO 45001:2018.
The webpage’s internal content has been compiled with highest care in order to ensure the accuracy of the information provided on this website. Nonetheless, no liability that the information is up-to-date, complete or accurate of any of the pages can be guaranteed. Therefore, any and all liability which might arise from the use of, or reliance on, the information provided on this website is excluded. The website serves general information purposes only and does not constitute any advice.
As a service provider CES is liable for its own content on this webpage in accordance with general laws (Section 7. 1 Telemediengesetz – Tele Media Act by German law (TMG)). Nonetheless, according to sections 8-10 TMG, CES has the role of a service provider and is not obliged to monitor external information provided or stored on its website. In the case CES becomes aware of an infringement of the law, the content in question will be removed immediately. Any liability regarding this issue can only be assumed from the point in time at which the infringement becomes known to CES.
This website contains external links to websites of third parties. The contents of these websites are not under CES‘ control. Therefore, CES cannot take over any liability for such external content. Without exception, the service providers of the linked websites are liable for the content and accuracy of the information provided. At the point in time when the links were placed, no law infringements were recognizable to CES. As soon as an infringement of the law becomes known to CES, the links in question will be removed immediately.
All issues regarding this website and including the legal notice (Impressum) and the privacy policy (Datenschutzerklärung) are governed by the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany.