| 10.10.2019

Improving environmental conditions under consideration of climate change risks to the Chimbote Bay

In Chimbote, Peru our team started to investigate improvement measures of the city's wastewater collection and wastewater treatment infrastructures as a part of the KfW financed project “PTAR II“.

As a part of the “Programa Sectorial de Alcantarillado y Tratamiento de Aguas Residuales en Ciudades de Provincias del Perú“ (Program PTAR financed by German Financial Cooperation through KfW) and of the P “Programa Nacional de Saneamiento Urbano (PNSU)“, we are proud to render services in the project for Chimbote and Nuevo Chimbote working together with the Ministerio de Vivienda, Construcción y Saneamiento (Client) and with SEDACHIMBOTE S.A (Beneficiary) in improving environmental conditions under consideration of climate change risks to the Chimbote Bay as basis for a sustainable development of the sanitation and social-economic sector.


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