• Green Infrastructure Beira
  • Primary education program, Phase I – Niamey, Tillaberi, Tahoua
  • Technical and vocational education and training Phase II – TVET II Rwanda
  • Consultancy services for the implementation of a health program in Niger
  • PRODIA – Integrated Development Programme for Autarchies and Surrounding Rural Zones
  • Promotion of reproductive and family health
  • More Income and Employment in rural areas through improved infrastructure and financing (MIERA)
  • Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), Mozambique
  • National Solid Waste Management Programme (NSMWP)
  • Urban Governance and Decentralisation Programme (UGDP)
  • Consulting Services for Urban Development Fund
  • Primary and secondary education of the Methodist church II
  • Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)


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Providing consultancy and engineering services for improved living conditions.
As a team of engineers and specialists embedded into a network of partner companies, we are continuously looking for new members to join our team. Contact us and find your role.

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